I'm a proud mother of ten months old baby boy. I remember having him on my tommy feeling him moving and kicking inside on me. Now 10 months later here he is he can crawl , walk alittle bit , say some funny and cute words. Everybody told me to enjoy every minute of it because they grow fast. now that i saw how he grown fast i think their right.
I remember on my last months of my pregnancy I'm getting ready to work that night and i start having contraction instead of going to work my husband decided to bring me to the hospital. Everybody at work worry that im going to have my baby at work because i never did take a break. the doctor told me as long i can handle working its ok for me to work and he said working is good source of exercise. Anyway I'm so excited at last im going to have him , now i can hold him ,kiss him just be with him. Same time im kind nervous about. Im a first time mom never did attend any classes how to breath or push he..he..he.. i just keep praying to god that everything is going to be ok. Saturday 10:45 pm i was their in the hospital getting ready to have a baby. I think this is the longest time to wait. I keep on waiting ...waiting and waiting...... Im getting hungry he..he...he.. so i ask the nurse and they give ham sandwich and sprite at 2 am.
They induce me and the contraction is getting stronger ... man alive that hurts alot he...he...he..... 8 am I'm waiting to somebody to give me something to eat and nobody give me any foods. i ask the nurse again she told me that i can't have food until i have my baby i think to myself this is not going to work im getting hungry really bad he..he..he.. i keep bugging them finally they ask my doctor he said that i can have some he..he..he... i love foods you can tell that he..he..he..
At 4:30 pm the doctor decided to do C-section on me because . his heartbeat is going down they don't want to have any complication. At 4:45 i have him he scream loud soon i see him i told my husband he got my nose he...he..he... oh no he got my nose... he...he...he... and my eyes but im so happy really happy. I can't describe how i feel all i know is that im just so happy to have him.
He is 7lbs and 7 oz and 20 inches long.
Now i look at him seems like yesterday. He is getting bigger and bigger. He is just so honory....smart and he loves music and most of all he is handsome he.,.he.. he.. you can really tell that i am his mom he..he....